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nothing more than a wild guess

  • 1 more

    1. adjective
    1) (additional) mehr

    would you like any or some/a few more? — (apples, books, etc.) möchten Sie noch welche/ein paar?

    would you like any or some more apples? — möchten Sie noch Äpfel?

    would you like any or some/a little more? — (tea, paper, etc.) möchten Sie noch etwas/ein wenig?

    would you like any or some more tea/paper? — möchten Sie noch Tee/Papier?

    I haven't any more [apples/tea] — ich habe keine [Äpfel]/keinen [Tee] mehr

    many more things — noch viel mehr [Dinge]

    2) (greater in degree) größer

    more's the pity(coll.) leider!

    the more fool youdu bist vielleicht ein Dummkopf

    2. noun, no pl., no indef. art.
    1) (greater amount or number or thing) mehr

    more and more — mehr und mehr; immer mehr

    the more the merriersee academic.ru/46306/merry">merry 1)

    what is more... — außerdem...

    and moremindestens vorangestellt; oder mehr

    there's no need to do/say [any] more — da braucht nichts weiter getan/gesagt zu werden


    more than(coll.): (exceedingly) über[satt, -glücklich, -froh]; hoch[erfreut, -willkommen]

    3. adverb
    1) mehr [mögen, interessieren, gefallen, sich wünschen]; forming compar.

    this book is more interestingdieses Buch ist interessanter

    more than anything [else] — vor allem

    2) (nearer, rather) eher

    more... than... — eher... als...

    more dead than alivemehr tot als lebendig

    3) (again) wieder

    never morenie wieder od. mehr


    more and more... — mehr und mehr od. immer mehr...; with adj. or adv. immer... (+ Komp.)


    more or less(fairly) mehr oder weniger; (approximately) annähernd


    the more so because... — um so mehr, als od. weil...

    * * *
    comparative; = much
    * * *
    [mɔ:ʳ, AM mɔ:r]
    I. adj comp of many, much noch mehr
    do you want \more food? willst du noch etwas zu essen haben?
    I helped myself to \more tea ich schenkte mir Tee nach
    we drank \more wine wir tranken noch mehr Wein
    two \more days until Christmas noch zwei Tage bis Weihnachten
    we can't take on any \more patients wir können keine weiteren Patienten mehr aufnehmen
    some \more coffee? noch etwas Kaffee?
    is there any \more coffee? ist noch [etwas] Kaffee da?
    why are there no \more seats left? warum sind keine Plätze mehr frei?
    no \more wine for you! du kriegst keinen Wein mehr!
    no \more swotting ( fam) Schluss mit der Büffelei! fam
    a few \more weeks and then it's Easter ein paar Wochen noch und dann ist Ostern
    can you give me a few \more days to think it over? gibst du mir noch ein paar Tage Zeit zum Nachdenken?
    you need a lot \more money than that du brauchst viel mehr Geld als das
    just a little \more attention nur etwas mehr Aufmerksamkeit
    \more and \more people buy things on the internet immer mehr Leute kaufen Sachen im Internet
    just one \more thing before I go nur noch eins, bevor ich gehe
    \more people live here than in the all of the rest of the country hier leben mehr Menschen als im ganzen Rest des Landes
    I'd be \more than happy to oblige es wäre mir ein Vergnügen
    \more and \more snow immer mehr Schnee
    [the] \more fool you BRIT ( pej fam) du bist ja blöd fam
    II. pron
    tell me \more erzähl' mir mehr
    there's \more to it da steckt mehr dahinter
    \more and \more came es kamen immer mehr
    we see \more of him these days wir sehen ihn zurzeit öfter
    she's \more of a poet than a musician sie ist eher Dichterin als Musikerin
    the noise was \more than I could bear ich konnte den Lärm nicht ertragen
    any \more? noch etwas?; (countable) noch mehr [o welche]?
    is there any \more? ist noch etwas da?
    some \more noch etwas; (countable) noch einige
    no \more nichts weiter; (countable) keine mehr
    there was no \more to be said about it dazu gab es nichts mehr zu sagen
    all the \more... umso mehr...
    that's all the \more reason not to give in das ist umso mehr Grund, nicht nachzugeben
    the \more the better je mehr desto besser
    do come to the picnic — the \more the merrier komm doch zum Picknick — je mehr wir sind, desto lustiger wird es
    the \more he insisted he was innocent, the less they seemed to believe him je mehr er darauf beharrte, unschuldig zu sein, desto weniger schienen sie ihm zu glauben
    the \more he drank, the \more violent he became je mehr er trank, desto gewalttätiger wurde er
    III. adv inv
    1. (forming comparatives)
    let's find a \more sensible way of doing it wir sollten eine vernünftigere Lösung finden
    you couldn't be \more wrong du könntest nicht mehr danebenliegen! fam
    this task is far [or much] \more difficult than the last one diese Aufgabe ist viel schwerer als die letzte
    play that last section \more passionately spiele den letzten Teil leidenschaftlicher
    \more importantly wichtiger noch
    he finished the job and, \more importantly, he finished it on time er wurde mit der Arbeit fertig, wichtiger noch, er wurde rechtzeitig fertig
    \more and \more...:
    it's becoming \more and \more likely that she'll resign es wird immer wahrscheinlicher, dass sie zurücktritt
    vacancies were becoming \more and \more rare es gab immer weniger freie Stellen
    2. (to a greater extent) mehr
    she asked if she could see him \more sie fragte, ob sie ihn öfter sehen könne
    you should listen \more and talk less du solltest besser zuhören und weniger sprechen
    they like classical music \more than pop sie mögen klassische Musik lieber als Pop
    sb couldn't agree/disagree with sb \more ( form) jd ist ganz/überhaupt nicht jds Meinung
    I couldn't agree with you \more, Professor ganz meine Meinung, Herr Professor
    to think \more of sb eine höhere Meinung von jdm haben
    ... or \more mindestens...
    each diamond was worth £10,000 or \more jeder Diamant war mindestens 10.000 Pfund wert
    \more than... (greater number) über..., mehr als...; (very) äußerst..., mehr als...
    \more than 20,000 demonstrators crowded into the square über 20.000 Demonstranten füllten den Platz
    we'll be \more than happy to help wir helfen sehr gerne
    \more than a little... ( form) ausgesprochen...
    I was \more than a little surprised to see her ich war nicht wenig überrascht, sie zu sehen
    no \more than... höchstens...
    it's no \more than an inch long es ist höchstens ein Zoll lang
    the \more umso mehr
    she's now all the \more determined to succeed sie ist jetzt umso entschlossener, erfolgreich zu sein
    the \more so because umso mehr, als
    3. (in addition) noch, außerdem
    I just need one or two things \more before I can start cooking ich brauche nur noch ein paar Dinge, bevor ich zu kochen anfangen kann
    once/twice/three times \more noch einmal/zweimal/dreimal
    can you play the song through twice \more, please? kannst du das Lied bitte noch zweimal durchspielen?
    no \more nie wieder
    mention his name no \more to me erwähne seinen Namen mir gegenüber nie wieder
    and [what's] \more überdies
    he was rich, and \more, he was handsome er war reich und sah zudem gut aus
    4. with verb inversion (neither) auch nicht
    I had no complaints and no \more did Tom ich hatte keine Beschwerden und Tom auch nicht
    to be no \more times vorüber sein
    the good old days are no \more die guten alten Zeiten sind vorbei; person gestorben sein
    we're mourning poor Thomas, for he is no \more wir trauern um Thomas, der nicht mehr unter uns weilt
    to not do sth any \more etw nicht mehr tun
    I don't do yoga any \more ich habe mit Yoga aufgehört
    6. (rather) eher
    it's not so much a philosophy, \more a way of life es ist nicht so sehr eine Philosophie, als eine Lebensart
    it was \more a snack than a meal es war eher ein Snack als eine Mahlzeit
    \more dead than alive mehr tot als lebendig
    \more or less (all in all) mehr oder weniger; (approximately) ungefähr
    the project was \more or less a success das Projekt war mehr oder weniger erfolgreich
    it's 500 kilos, \more or less das sind ungefähr 500 Kilo
    it's \more or less symmetrical es ist in etwa symmetrisch
    that's \more like it ( fam) schon besser
    \more often than not meistens
    * * *
    1. n, pron
    1) (= greater amount) mehr; (= a further or additional amount) noch mehr; (of countable things) noch mehr or welche

    I want a lot moreich will viel mehr; (in addition) ich will noch viel mehr

    three more —

    a little more — etwas mehr; (in addition) noch etwas mehr

    many/much more — viel mehr

    not many/much more — nicht mehr viele/viel

    no more — nichts mehr; (countable) keine mehr

    some more — noch etwas; (countable) noch welche

    any more? — noch mehr or etwas?; (countable) noch mehr or welche?

    there isn't/aren't any more — mehr gibt es nicht; (here, at the moment, left over) es ist nichts/es sind keine mehr da

    is/are there any more? — gibt es noch mehr?; (left over) ist noch etwas/sind noch welche da?

    let's say no more about it —

    we shall hear/see more of you — wir werden öfter von dir hören/dich öfter sehen

    there's more to come — da kommt noch etwas, das ist noch nicht alles

    what more could one want?mehr kann man sich doch nicht wünschen

    there's more to bringing up children than just... — zum Kindererziehen gehört mehr als nur...

    and what's more, he... — und außerdem or obendrein hat er... (noch)...


    the more you give him, the more he wants — je mehr du ihm gibst, desto mehr verlangt er

    the more the merrier — je mehr, desto besser or umso besser

    2. adj
    mehr; (in addition) noch mehr

    two/five more bottles —

    one more day, one day more more and more money/friends — noch ein Tag immer mehr Geld/Freunde

    a lot/a little more money — viel/etwas mehr Geld; (in addition) noch viel/noch etwas mehr Geld

    a few more friends/weeks — noch ein paar Freunde/Wochen

    you won't have many more friends/much more money left — du hast nicht mehr viele Freunde/nicht mehr viel Geld übrig

    no more money/friends — kein Geld/keine Freunde mehr

    no more singing/squabbling! — Schluss mit der Singerei/mit dem Zanken!

    do you want some more tea/books? —

    there aren't any more books — mehr Bücher gibt es nicht; (here, at the moment) es sind keine Bücher mehr da

    (the) more fool you for giving him the money — dass du auch so dumm bist und ihm das Geld gibst

    3. adv
    1) mehr

    it will weigh/grow a bit more — es wird etwas mehr wiegen/noch etwas wachsen

    will it weigh/grow any more? — wird es mehr wiegen/noch wachsen?

    it'll grow more if you... — es wächst besser, wenn du...

    to like/want sth more — etw lieber mögen/wollen

    £5/2 hours more than I thought — £ 5 mehr/2 Stunden länger, als ich dachte

    no more than, not more than — nicht mehr als

    he has resigned – that's no more than I expected — er hat gekündigt – das habe ich ja erwartet


    (= again) once more — noch einmal, noch mal (inf)

    3) (= longer) mehr

    no more, not any more — nicht mehr

    to be no more (person) — nicht mehr sein or leben; (thing) nicht mehr existieren

    if he comes here any more... — wenn er noch weiter or länger hierher kommt...

    4) (to form comp of adj, adv) -er (than als)

    neither more nor less, no more, no less — nicht mehr und nicht weniger

    * * *
    more [mɔː(r); US auch ˈməʊər]
    A adj
    1. mehr:
    more money ( people, etc);
    (no) more than (nicht) mehr als;
    they are more than we are sie sind zahlreicher als wir
    2. mehr, noch (mehr), weiter:
    some more tea noch etwas Tee;
    one more day noch ein(en) Tag;
    two more miles noch zwei Meilen, zwei weitere Meilen;
    some more children noch einige Kinder;
    so much the more courage umso mehr Mut;
    he is no more er ist nicht mehr (ist tot)
    3. größer (obs außer in):
    (the) more fool you! du bist vielleicht ein Dummkopf!;
    the more part der größere Teil
    B adv
    1. mehr, in höherem Maße:
    they work more sie arbeiten mehr;
    more in theory than in practice mehr in der Theorie als in der Praxis;
    more dead than alive mehr oder eher tot als lebendig;
    more and more immer mehr;
    more and more difficult immer schwieriger;
    a) mehr oder weniger,
    b) ungefähr;
    the more umso mehr;
    the more so because … umso mehr, da …;
    all the more so nur umso mehr;
    so much the more as … umso mehr als …;
    the more you have, the more you want (Sprichwort) je mehr man hat, desto mehr will man;
    no ( oder not any) more than … ebenso wenig wie …;
    neither ( oder no) more nor less than stupid nicht mehr und nicht weniger als dumm, einfach dumm;
    more than happy überglücklich
    2. (zur Bildung des komp):
    more conscientiously gewissenhafter;
    more important wichtiger;
    more often öfter; able 1
    3. noch:
    never more niemals wieder;
    once more noch einmal;
    twice more noch zweimal;
    two hours (miles) more noch zwei Stunden (Meilen)
    4. darüber hinaus, überdies:
    it is wrong and, more, it is foolish
    C s
    1. Mehr n (of an dat)
    2. mehr:
    more than one person has seen it mehr als einer hat es gesehen;
    we shall see more of you wir werden dich noch öfter sehen;
    and what is more und was noch wichtiger oder schwerwiegender ist;
    some more, a little more noch etwas (mehr);
    no more nichts mehr;
    what more do you want? was willst du denn noch?
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (additional) mehr

    would you like any or some/a few more? — (apples, books, etc.) möchten Sie noch welche/ein paar?

    would you like any or some more apples? — möchten Sie noch Äpfel?

    would you like any or some/a little more? — (tea, paper, etc.) möchten Sie noch etwas/ein wenig?

    would you like any or some more tea/paper? — möchten Sie noch Tee/Papier?

    I haven't any more [apples/tea] — ich habe keine [Äpfel]/keinen [Tee] mehr

    many more things — noch viel mehr [Dinge]

    more's the pity(coll.) leider!

    2. noun, no pl., no indef. art.

    more and more — mehr und mehr; immer mehr

    what is more... — außerdem...

    and moremindestens vorangestellt; oder mehr

    there's no need to do/say [any] more — da braucht nichts weiter getan/gesagt zu werden


    more than(coll.): (exceedingly) über[satt, -glücklich, -froh]; hoch[erfreut, -willkommen]

    3. adverb
    1) mehr [mögen, interessieren, gefallen, sich wünschen]; forming compar.

    more than anything [else] — vor allem

    2) (nearer, rather) eher

    more... than... — eher... als...

    3) (again) wieder

    never morenie wieder od. mehr


    more and more... — mehr und mehr od. immer mehr...; with adj. or adv. immer... (+ Komp.)


    more or less (fairly) mehr oder weniger; (approximately) annähernd


    the more so because... — um so mehr, als od. weil...

    * * *
    mehr adj.
    weiter adj.

    English-german dictionary > more

  • 2 loco

    1 crazy, cracked, batty, crazed.
    2 crazy.
    madman, crackpot, crazy person, head case.
    * * *
    1 (gen) mad, crazy, insane
    2 (muy ocupado) terribly busy
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 lunatic, insane person
    a lo loco any old how
    como un,-a loco,-a like mad
    estar loco,-a de alegría to be over the moon
    estar loco,-a por alguien to be mad about somebody
    hacer el loco to act wild
    hacerse el/la loco,-a to pretend to know nothing, act dumb
    ¡ni loco,-a! no way!
    volver loco,-a a alguien to drive somebody crazy, drive somebody mad
    volverse loco,-a to go mad
    loco,-a de remate stark raving mad
    * * *
    1. (f. - loca)
    crazy, mad
    2. (f. - loca)
    * * *
    loco, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=no cuerdo) mad, crazy

    ¿estás loco? — are you mad o crazy?

    no seas loco, eso es muy arriesgado — don't be stupid, that's very risky

    una brújula locaa compass whose needle no longer points north

    estaba loco de alegríahe was mad o wild with joy

    andar o estar loco con algo — (=preocupado) to be worried to death about sth; (=contento) to be crazy about sth

    está loco por algn/algo, está loco por esa chica — he's mad o crazy about that girl

    anda o está loca por irse a Inglaterra — she's mad keen to go to England

    tener o traer loco a algn, este asunto me tiene o trae loco — this business is driving me crazy

    volver loco a algn — to drive sb mad, drive sb round the bend

    volverse loco — to go insane, go mad

    2) (=frenético) hectic
    3) * (=enorme)
    SM / F lunatic, madman/madwoman

    el loco de César se ha comprado otro cochethat lunatic o madman César has bought another car

    correr como un loco — to run like mad

    gritar como un loco — to shout like a madman, shout one's head off

    hacerse el loco — to act the fool

    es un loco perdidohe's stark raving mad

    ponerse como un loco — to start acting like a madman/madwoman

    SM Chile abalone, false abalone
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane
    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq)

    este tipo está medio loco — (fam) the guy's not all there (colloq)

    no seas loco, te vas a matar — don't be stupid, you'll kill yourself

    ¿disculparme yo? ni (que estuviera) loco! — what, me apologize? not in a million years!

    hacer algo a lo locoto do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq)

    estar loco de remate or de atar — (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq)

    tener or (Esp) traer loco a alguien — to be driving somebody crazy (colloq)

    c) (contento, entusiasmado)

    están locos con el nietothey're besotted with their grandchild

    d) (fam) ( ajetreado)

    loco de algo: estaba loca de alegría she was blissfully happy; está loco de celos he's wild with jealousy; estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain; está loca de amor — she's madly in love

    - ca masculino, femenino
    1) ( enfermo mental) (m) madman; (f) madwoman

    maneja or (Esp) conduce como un loco — he drives like a lunatic

    corrimos como locos — (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq)

    el loco de Javier se vino a pie — Javier walked here, mad fool that he is

    hay mucho loco suelto — (fam) there are a lot of weirdos about (colloq)

    cada loco con su tema — (fam) to each his own

    la loca de la casa — (liter) the imagination

    2) loco masculino (Zool) abalone
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], demented, crazed, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], bananas, mad, insane, deranged, out of + Posesivo + mind, lunatic, nut, bonkers, wacko, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, berserk, wacky [wackier -comp., wackiest -sup.], madman, nutter, off + Posesivo + nut, kook, daffy [daffier -comp., daffiest -sup.], loony [loonier -comp., looniest -sup], maniac, out of + Posesivo + senses, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, moonstruck.
    Ex. Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.
    Ex. Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex. Many of the inhabitants were shot dead or injured by a crazed gunman.
    Ex. Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex. It is frequently lack of that causes teachers to accuse children of being lazy, uncooperative, insubordinate, rude, or plain bananas.
    Ex. When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex. Ramakrishna was deemed holy by his followers but considered insane by many non-Hindus chiefly because of his behavior when interacting with the goddess Kali.
    Ex. Accessing the web today is like entering a large library, where there is no catalogue but where a deranged janitor has assembled in the lobby a few pages torn from the indexes of randomly selected volumes.
    Ex. The article ' Out of their minds: legal theory in neural networks' criticises the use of neural networks in law.
    Ex. This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.
    Ex. The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on ' nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
    Ex. This client was bonkers, but believable.
    Ex. Varieties of bad bosses include disagreeable taskmasters, overly ambitious artists, and outright ' wackos'.
    Ex. Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex. The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex. The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex. Today, hyperbolic comic and cartoon imagery is an established movie aesthetic -- a berserk but ironic Pop Art expressionism.
    Ex. 'Open Season' is a wild and wacky animated comedy set in the town of Timberline.
    Ex. Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.
    Ex. Even if we do come up with an alternative to nuclear power, in the future, there will be nutters protesting that as well.
    Ex. A few years later Stewart went completely off his nut, staged a series of bombings, and wound up in prison after a bizarre kidnapping stunt.
    Ex. He then ended his affair with Mia, Bram's housekeeper cum lottery winner and daughter of the kook who swears he was abuducted by aliens.
    Ex. This isn't as daffy as it seems to us as we hustle about on the verge of the third millennium.
    Ex. Some loud loonies are not dangerous to the library while others may be; the librarian needs to be able to guess which is which.
    Ex. The novel is a crude barbaric mixture of verse and prose, poetry and realism, crammed with ghosts, corpses, maniacs all very unlike Racine.
    Ex. He means well for his country, is always an honest man, often a wise one, but sometimes and in some things, absolutely out of his senses.
    Ex. Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex. I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex. ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * casa de locos = lunatic asylum, madhouse, bedlam.
    * casa de los locos = asylum, mental asylum, madhouse.
    * chillar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * gritar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * hacerse el loco = act + dumb, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have heard, pretend + not to have seen, turn + a deaf ear to.
    * idea loca = wild thought.
    * loco como una cabra = raving lunatic.
    * loco de alegría = chuffed to bits.
    * loco de atar = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic, stir-crazy.
    * loco de contento = chuffed to bits.
    * loco del deporte = sports freak.
    * loco de remate = barking mad, certified madman.
    * loco perdido = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * parecer loco = sound + crazy.
    * ponerse como loco = get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * sine loco (s.l.) = s.l. (sine loco).
    * trabajar como un loco = work off + Posesivo + shoes.
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane
    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq)

    este tipo está medio loco — (fam) the guy's not all there (colloq)

    no seas loco, te vas a matar — don't be stupid, you'll kill yourself

    ¿disculparme yo? ni (que estuviera) loco! — what, me apologize? not in a million years!

    hacer algo a lo locoto do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq)

    estar loco de remate or de atar — (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq)

    tener or (Esp) traer loco a alguien — to be driving somebody crazy (colloq)

    c) (contento, entusiasmado)

    están locos con el nietothey're besotted with their grandchild

    d) (fam) ( ajetreado)

    loco de algo: estaba loca de alegría she was blissfully happy; está loco de celos he's wild with jealousy; estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain; está loca de amor — she's madly in love

    - ca masculino, femenino
    1) ( enfermo mental) (m) madman; (f) madwoman

    maneja or (Esp) conduce como un loco — he drives like a lunatic

    corrimos como locos — (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq)

    el loco de Javier se vino a pie — Javier walked here, mad fool that he is

    hay mucho loco suelto — (fam) there are a lot of weirdos about (colloq)

    cada loco con su tema — (fam) to each his own

    la loca de la casa — (liter) the imagination

    2) loco masculino (Zool) abalone
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], demented, crazed, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], bananas, mad, insane, deranged, out of + Posesivo + mind, lunatic, nut, bonkers, wacko, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, berserk, wacky [wackier -comp., wackiest -sup.], madman, nutter, off + Posesivo + nut, kook, daffy [daffier -comp., daffiest -sup.], loony [loonier -comp., looniest -sup], maniac, out of + Posesivo + senses, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, moonstruck.

    Ex: Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.

    Ex: Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex: Many of the inhabitants were shot dead or injured by a crazed gunman.
    Ex: Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex: It is frequently lack of that causes teachers to accuse children of being lazy, uncooperative, insubordinate, rude, or plain bananas.
    Ex: When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex: Ramakrishna was deemed holy by his followers but considered insane by many non-Hindus chiefly because of his behavior when interacting with the goddess Kali.
    Ex: Accessing the web today is like entering a large library, where there is no catalogue but where a deranged janitor has assembled in the lobby a few pages torn from the indexes of randomly selected volumes.
    Ex: The article ' Out of their minds: legal theory in neural networks' criticises the use of neural networks in law.
    Ex: This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.
    Ex: The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on ' nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
    Ex: This client was bonkers, but believable.
    Ex: Varieties of bad bosses include disagreeable taskmasters, overly ambitious artists, and outright ' wackos'.
    Ex: Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex: The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex: The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex: Today, hyperbolic comic and cartoon imagery is an established movie aesthetic -- a berserk but ironic Pop Art expressionism.
    Ex: 'Open Season' is a wild and wacky animated comedy set in the town of Timberline.
    Ex: Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.
    Ex: Even if we do come up with an alternative to nuclear power, in the future, there will be nutters protesting that as well.
    Ex: A few years later Stewart went completely off his nut, staged a series of bombings, and wound up in prison after a bizarre kidnapping stunt.
    Ex: He then ended his affair with Mia, Bram's housekeeper cum lottery winner and daughter of the kook who swears he was abuducted by aliens.
    Ex: This isn't as daffy as it seems to us as we hustle about on the verge of the third millennium.
    Ex: Some loud loonies are not dangerous to the library while others may be; the librarian needs to be able to guess which is which.
    Ex: The novel is a crude barbaric mixture of verse and prose, poetry and realism, crammed with ghosts, corpses, maniacs all very unlike Racine.
    Ex: He means well for his country, is always an honest man, often a wise one, but sometimes and in some things, absolutely out of his senses.
    Ex: Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex: I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex: ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * casa de locos = lunatic asylum, madhouse, bedlam.
    * casa de los locos = asylum, mental asylum, madhouse.
    * chillar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * gritar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * hacerse el loco = act + dumb, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have heard, pretend + not to have seen, turn + a deaf ear to.
    * idea loca = wild thought.
    * loco como una cabra = raving lunatic.
    * loco de alegría = chuffed to bits.
    * loco de atar = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic, stir-crazy.
    * loco de contento = chuffed to bits.
    * loco del deporte = sports freak.
    * loco de remate = barking mad, certified madman.
    * loco perdido = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * parecer loco = sound + crazy.
    * ponerse como loco = get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * sine loco (s.l.) = s.l. (sine loco).
    * trabajar como un loco = work off + Posesivo + shoes.
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).

    * * *
    loco1 -ca
    1 ( Med, Psic) mad, insane
    2 (chiflado) crazy ( colloq), nuts ( colloq), mad ( BrE colloq)
    este tipo está medio loco ( fam); this guy's not all there ( colloq), this guy's a bit cracked ( colloq)
    ¡pero ustedes están or ( AmL) son locos! you must be crazy o mad o insane o out of your mind! ( colloq)
    no seas loco, te vas a matar don't be so stupid o foolish, you'll kill yourself
    eso no lo hago (pero) ni loco there's no way I'd do that, nothing in the world would make me do that o induce me to do that
    ¿disculparme yo? ¡ni (que estuviera) loco! what, me apologize? not in a million years o no way o never!
    llenó el formulario a lo loco she completed the form any which way ( AmE) o ( BrE) any old how ( colloq)
    gasta dinero a lo loco he spends money like water o like there's no tomorrow
    estar loco de remate or de atar ( fam); to be stark raving o stark staring mad, to be nutty as a fruitcake ( colloq), to be completely nuts ( colloq), to be mad as a hatter ( BrE)
    traer or tener loco a algn ( Esp); to be driving sb mad o crazy o up the wall o round the bend ( colloq)
    volver loco a algn to drive sb mad o crazy ( colloq)
    vuelve locos a los hombres she drives men wild ( colloq)
    el chocolate me vuelve loca I adore chocolate, I'm a chocolate addict ( colloq)
    volverse loco to go mad
    este desorden es para volverse loco this mess is enough to drive you crazy ( colloq)
    (contento, entusiasmado): están locos con el nieto they're besotted with o crazy about their grandchild
    está loca por él she's mad o crazy o wild about him ( colloq)
    está loco por verla/por que le presenten a Laura he's dying o ( BrE) mad keen to see her/to be introduced to Laura ( colloq)
    es loco por las aceitunas (CS); he's crazy about o mad on olives ( colloq)
    4 ( fam) (preocupado) worried sick ( colloq)
    anda (como) loco con las pruebas he's worried sick about the tests
    (indicando gran cantidad): tengo unas ganas locas de verla I'm really looking forward to seeing her, I'm dying to see her ( colloq)
    tuvo una suerte loca she was incredibly lucky
    la obra tuvo un éxito loco the play was hugely successful
    tienen la guita loca ( RPl arg); they're rolling in it ( colloq), they're absolutely loaded ( colloq)
    2 loco DE algo:
    estaba loca de alegría or de contenta she was incredibly happy, she was over the moon ( BrE colloq)
    está loco de ira/celos he's wild with anger/jealousy
    estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain
    está loca de amor por él she's madly in love with him
    (CS fam) (indicando poca cantidad): por cuatro clientes locos que puedan venir, no vamos a abrir it's not worth opening up just for a few odd customers
    loco2 -ca
    masculine, feminine
    A (enfermo mental) ( masculine) madman; ( feminine) madwoman
    se puso como un loco al oír la noticia he went crazy o mad when he heard the news
    maneja or ( Esp) conduce como un loco he drives like a madman o lunatic
    corrimos como locos para alcanzar el autobús ( fam); we ran like crazy o mad to catch the bus ( colloq)
    gritaba como una loca she was shouting like a madwoman, she was shouting her head off ( colloq)
    ¡qué desorganización, esto es de locos! what chaos! this is pure o sheer madness!
    el loco de Javier se ha venido a pie Javier walked here, madman that he is
    hoy en día hay mucho loco suelto ( fam); there are a lot of loonies o nutcases o weirdos about these days ( colloq)
    cada loco con su tema ( fam); to each his own, each to his own ( BrE)
    ahora le ha dado por el budismocada loco con su tema she's into Buddhism now — oh well, each to his own o ( colloq) whatever turns you on
    hacer el loco ( Chi fam); to make a fool of oneself
    hacerse el loco to act dumb ( colloq)
    no te hagas el loco don't act dumb, don't pretend you haven't seen/heard
    la loca de la casa ( liter); the imagination
    loco masculine ( Chi) ( Zool) abalone
    loco masculine ( RPl arg) (hombre) guy ( colloq), bloke ( BrE colloq)
    * * *


    loco 1
    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane

    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq);

    eso no lo hago (pero) ni loco there's no way I'd do that;
    hacer algo a lo loco to do sth any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq);
    estar loco de remate (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq);
    tener or (Esp) traer loco a algn to be driving sb crazy (colloq);
    volver loco a algn to drive sb crazy (colloq);
    volverse loco to go mad

    está loco por volver he's dying to come back (colloq)
    d) (fam) ( ajetreado):

    tuvo una suerte loca she was incredibly lucky
    f) estar loco de algo: ‹de entusiasmo/furia/celos› to be wild with sth;

    de dolor/remordimiento› to be racked with sth;

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino ( enfermo mental) (m) madman;
    (f) madwoman;
    se puso como un loco he went crazy o mad;

    corrimos como locos (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq);
    hacerse el loco to act dumb (colloq)
    loco 2 sustantivo masculino (Chi) (Zool) abalone
    I adjetivo
    1 mad, crazy
    volverse loco, to lose one's mind o to go mad
    2 (deseoso) estoy loco por ir a París, I'm eager to travel to Paris
    3 (entusiasmado) está loca de alegría, she's thrilled
    está loco por las motos, he's crazy about motorbikes
    II m,f (hombre) madman, (mujer) madwoman
    ♦ Locuciones: hacerse el loco, to act the fool
    familiar ¡ni loco!, I'd sooner die!
    familiar traer/volver loco a alguien, to drive sb crazy
    a lo loco, crazily

    ' loco' also found in these entries:
    - chiflada
    - chiflado
    - conforme
    - enajenar
    - enajenarse
    - estragos
    - hormigueo
    - ida
    - ido
    - loc. cit.
    - loca
    - tema
    - tocada
    - tocado
    - trastocarse
    - trastornar
    - volver
    - volverse
    - carro
    - maniaco
    - perdido
    - poner
    - rayado
    - rayar
    - rematado
    - away
    - bend
    - berserk
    - beside
    - bit
    - bonkers
    - certifiable
    - change over
    - cracker
    - crazy
    - cuckoo
    - delirious
    - demented
    - drive
    - gaga
    - head
    - hijack
    - insane
    - loony
    - lunatic
    - mad
    - madly
    - madman
    - maniac
    - mind
    - moon
    - nut
    - nuts
    - nutter
    - nutty
    - parched
    - potshot
    - rampage
    - raving
    - roadhog
    - send
    - some
    - something
    - stark
    - wall
    - wild
    - wildly
    - wind up
    - wit
    - bumper car
    - cracked
    - fear
    - flap
    - go
    * * *
    loco, -a
    1. [demente] mad, crazy;
    volver loco a alguien [enajenar, aturdir] to drive sb mad;
    esos martillazos en la pared me van a volver loco that hammering on the wall is driving me mad;
    el dolor lo volvía loco the pain was driving him mad;
    volverse loco to go mad;
    este niño me trae loco this child is driving me mad;
    estar loco de atar o [m5] de remate to be stark raving mad;
    ¡ni loco! (absolutely) no way!;
    ¡no lo haría ni loco! there's no way you'd get me doing that!
    2. [insensato] mad, crazy;
    no seas loca, es muy peligroso don't be (so) stupid, it's very dangerous;
    está medio loco pero es muy simpático he's a bit crazy, but he's very nice with it;
    a lo loco [sin pensar] hastily;
    [temerariamente] wildly;
    conduce o Am [m5] maneja a lo loco he drives like a madman
    3. [apasionado, entusiasmado] mad, crazy;
    la abuela está loca con su nieto the grandmother's mad o crazy about her grandson;
    estar loco de contento/pasión to be wild with joy/passion;
    estar loco de amor to be madly in love;
    estar loco de celos to be wildly o insanely jealous;
    estar loco de ira to be raging mad;
    estar o CSur [m5]ser loco por algo/alguien to be mad about sth/sb;
    está o CSur [m5] es loco por ella [enamorado] he's madly in love with her, he's crazy about her;
    está loca por conocerte she's dying to meet you;
    está (como) loco por que lleguen los invitados he's desperate for the guests to arrive, he can't wait for the guests to arrive;
    le vuelve loco el fútbol he's mad about soccer o Br football, he's soccer-crazy o Br football-crazy;
    la vuelve loca la paella she absolutely adores paella
    4. [muy ajetreado] mad, hectic;
    llevamos una semana loca it's been a mad week for us
    5. [enorme]
    tengo unas ganas locas de conocer Italia I'm absolutely dying to go to Italy;
    tuvimos una suerte loca we were extraordinarily o amazingly lucky;
    RP Fam
    tener la guita loca to be rolling in it
    6. RP Fam [insignificante]
    sólo van a venir tres o cuatro invitados locos only a handful of guests will show up;
    no nos vamos a pelear por dos pesos locos let's not quarrel over a few measly pesos
    1. [enfermo] [hombre] lunatic, madman;
    [mujer] lunatic, madwoman;
    conduce o Am [m5] maneja como un loco he drives like a madman;
    corrimos como locos we ran like mad o crazy;
    el loco de tu marido se puso a chillar that madman husband of yours started shouting;
    ponerse como un loco [enfadarse] to go mad;
    sería de locos empezar de nuevo todo el trabajo it would be crazy o madness to start the whole job over again;
    ¡deja de hacer el loco! stop messing around!;
    cada loco con su tema: ya está otra vez Santi con lo del yoga, cada loco con su tema Santi's going on about yoga again, the man's obsessed!;
    hacerse el loco to play dumb, to pretend not to understand
    2. RP, Ven Fam [como apelativo]
    este loco se encarga de todo this guy's in charge of everything;
    loco, vení para acá come over here, Br mate o US buddy
    3. Chile [molusco comestible] false abalone
    * * *
    I adj mad, crazy;
    a lo loco fam ( sin pensar) hastily;
    es para volverse loco it’s enough to drive you mad o crazy;
    remate completely mad;
    estar loco de alegría be insanely happy;
    estar loco por alguien be mad o crazy about s.o.
    II m
    1 madman;
    cada loco con su tema each to his own;
    hacer el loco make a fool of o.s.
    loco, ayudame help me, pal
    * * *
    loco, -ca adj
    1) demente: crazy, insane, mad
    a lo loco : wildly, recklessly
    volverse loco : to go mad
    loco, -ca n
    1) : crazy person, lunatic
    hacerse el loco : to act the fool
    * * *
    loco1 adj crazy [comp. crazier; superl. craziest] / mad [comp. madder; superl. maddest]
    loco2 n lunatic

    Spanish-English dictionary > loco

  • 3 غير

    غَيْر \ another: a different one: We’ll go there another time. If this hat does not fit, try another. besides: as well as: I have two brothers besides John.. other: (in comparisons) different: He likes French cigarettes and won’t smoke any other kind. This side is dry; the other side is wet. I can’t do it now; I have other things to do. short of: less than; other than: Nothing short of a new government will save the country. un-: giving an opposite sense: ‘Unlikely’ means ‘not likely’. \ See Also آخر (آخَر)‏ \ غَيْرُ أَجْوَف \ solid: not hollow: without holes: a solid rubber ball. \ See Also صلب (صُلْب)‏ \ غَيْرُ أَكيد \ faint: (of thoughts and feelings) weak; uncertain: I haven’t the faintest idea where she is. uncertain: not certain doubtful; undecided; changeable: I’m uncertain what time he’s coming. Our holiday plans are still uncertain, we haven’t decided where to go. The weather is uncertain - it may rain soon. \ See Also ضعيف (ضَعِيف)، غير مؤكّد \ غَيْرُ أمْلَس \ rough: not smooth: a rough road; a rough surface. \ غَيْرُ آمن \ insecure: not safe; not supported or able to support other things: Be careful of that door - the lock is very insecure. \ غَيْرُ أُمِّيّ \ literate: able to read and write. \ غَيْرَ أنَّ \ but: yet: He came but she did not. I need food but I have no money to buy any. She is thin but strong. only: but: She wanted to buy it, only she had no money. \ غَيْرُ أهل للثّقة \ suspect: not trustworthy; possibly the cause of trouble: a rather suspect character. \ غَيْرُ بالِغ \ immature: not fully formed or developed. \ غَيْرُ بهيج \ dull: (of weather or colour) not clean or bright; cloudy: a dull day; a dull blue. \ غَيْرُ جاهز للعَمَل \ out of training: not in good condition. \ غَيْرُ جَمِيل \ plain: (of people) not good-looking: He was a nice boy, but rather plain and not very clever. \ غَيْرُ جَمِيل \ homely: (of people, faces, etc.) not goodlooking. \ See Also جذاب (جذّاب)‏ \ غَيْرُ حادّ \ dull: (of the senses) not sharp: a dull pain. \ غَيْرُ حَذِر \ unwary: (esp. as a noun with the) careless; not looking out for danger or deceit: ‘Easy’ questions in an exam are often a trap for the unwary (or for unwary people). \ غَيْرُ حقيقي \ unreal: imaginary; not related to facts. \ غَيْرُ دقيق \ rough: not carefully made; not properly finished; not exact: a rough drawing; a rough guess. \ غَيْرُ ذلك \ else: other (together with the first one); besides: Who else came? Did you look anywhere else, or only under the bed?, other (instead of the first one); instead Let’s talk about something else. Peter was ill, so someone else came. If there’s no coffee, what else can I drink?. otherwise: differently: I thought it was true, but they thought otherwise. \ غَيْرُ رَسْمِيّ \ informal: without ceremony or special dress: The prince paid an informal visit to the town. private: not official; not concerning one’s work; concerning one’s home and family: In his private life, the actor is rather quiet, although in the play he is loud and angry. \ غَيْرُ سَارّ \ bad, worse, worst: (of news, weather, etc.) unpleasant. \ غَيْرُ سالِك \ impassable: (of roads) unfit for use; blocked (by snow, mud, etc.). \ غَيْرُ سَكران \ sober: not under the control of alcohol; not drunk: A car driver ought to be sober. \ غَيْرُ سليمة \ broken, break: (of language) incorrectly spoken by a foreigner: broken English. \ غَيْرُ شَرْعِيّ \ illegal: against the law: A crime is an illegal act. illegitimate: (of a child) born to a mother who is not married. \ غَيْرُ شريف \ crooked: dishonest. \ غَيْرُ شَفّاف \ opaque: not allowing light to pass through it: opaque glass. \ غَيْرُ صافٍ \ gross: (of figures or amounts) whole, before subtracting anything; the opposite of net: Your gross pay is the amount before tax is paid. \ غَيْرُ صَالِح للاستعمال \ out of order: not working: I couldn’t ring you up yesterday because our telephone was out of order. \ غَيْرُ صالح للأَكل \ inedible: not fit to eat. \ غَيْرُ صَالِح لِلْعَمَل \ out of action: not working; out of order: This telephone is out of action. \ غَيْرُ صِحّي \ insanitary: so dirty that health is put at risk: an insanitary kitchen. \ غَيْرُ صحيح \ false: wrong; incorrect: a false idea. \ غَيْرُ صَحيح \ unsound: not in good condition, not satisfactory: unsound teeth; an unsound explanation. \ See Also سَليم \ غَيْرُ ضَارّ \ harmless: causing no harm; gentle: A lamb is a harmless creature. Is this insect poison harmless to people?. \ غَيْرُ ضروريّ \ needless: useless; unnecessary (trouble, expense etc.). \ غَيْرُ طاهر \ impure: not pure. \ غَيْرُ طَبيعِيّ \ artificial: adj. (of teeth, light, silk, etc.) not natural; made by man. False: not natural: false teeth. weird: very strange. \ غَيْرُ عَادِيّ \ abnormal: different from what is natural or usual: It is abnormal to have only 3 fingers on one hand. exceptional: unusual: That book is an exeptional one. It was an exceptionally hot summer. peculiar: unusual strange. remarkable: surprising; unusual and worth noticing: a remarkable change; a remarkably goodlooking child. unusual: not usual; strange. \ غَيْرُ عالِم بِـ \ ignorant of: not having heard about (a particular thing): I was ignorant of his plans. \ غَيْرُ عَمَليّ \ theoretical: adj. of theories; not learned from experience; supposed; not proved: I have only a theoretical knowledge of cooking from reading cookery books. \ غَيْرُ فَعّال \ inefficient: not working well; wasting time or power: Old machines are often inefficient. He is an inefficient clerk. \ غَيْرُ قابل للتصديق (غير معقول)‏ \ incredible: too strange to be believed; unbelievable: an incredible story. \ غَيْرُ قادِر \ incapable: not able to do sth.; not having the power or nature to do sth.: flowers are incapable of growing without light. She is incapable of being unkind to people. \ غَيْرُ قادِر على الحركة \ numb: having no feeling: My fingers were numb with cold. \ غَيْرُ قانونيّ \ illegal: against the law: A crime is an illegal act. wrongful: unjust; unlawful: wrongful imprisonment. \ غَيْرُ كافٍ \ insufficient: not enough (in power, ability, etc.): insufficient knowledge; insufficient food. lacking: missing: The bread was enough but the butter was lacking. scanty: (of a supply, of clothing, etc.) very small; not enough: He was too scantily dressed to keep warm. \ غَيْرُ كامِل \ incomplete: not complete; not perfect: This piece of work is incomplete - please finish it. His explanation is incomplete - it doesn’t explain all the facts. \ غَيْرُ كَثِيف \ sparse: thinly scattered: sparse hair; sparse grass. \ غَيْرُ كُفْء \ inefficient: not working well; wasting time or power: Old machines are often inefficient. He is an inefficient clerk. \ غَيْرُ لائق \ beneath sb.’s dignity: unsuitable for sb. to do: It was beneath the teacher’s dignity to sweep the classroom. improper: not proper; unsuitable; not polite: improper behaviour. \ غَيْرُ لَبِق \ awkward: (of manner or movement) showing difficulty; not skilful: He is too awkward on his feet to be a dancer. tactless: showing no understanding or skill in dealing with others: a tactless person; a tactless statement. \ غَيْرُ مُؤَدَّب \ impolite: not polite; rude. \ غَيْرُ مُؤذٍ \ innocent: harmless: innocent amusements. \ غَيْرُ مؤكَّد \ uncertain: not certain; doubtful; undecided; changeable: I’m uncertain what time he’s coming. Our holiday plans are still uncertain, we haven’t decided where to go. The weather is uncertain - it may rain soon. \ غَيْرُ مُؤلم \ painless: causing no pain. \ غَيْرُ مأْلوف \ queer: strange, unusually and not understood: a queer noise. uncouth: lacking good manners; strange in one’s appearance: It is uncouth to push your knife into your mouth when eating. Modern young men don’t condiser it uncouth to wear their hair long. \ غَيْرُ مَأْهول \ desert: (of an island) with nobody living on it. wild: (of plants, creatures, land, etc.) in a natural state, not under the control of man. \ غَيْرُ مُبَاشِر \ indirect: not straight or directly joined to; meaning something which is not directly said: an indirect road; the indirect result of an action; an indirect answer. \ غَيْرُ مُبَالٍ \ indifferent: not caring; not interested: He was quite indifferent to his children’s troubles. \ غَيْرُ مَبْتُوت بأمْرِه \ pending: (of a doubtful matter, esp. in court) not yet settled. \ غَيْرُ مُبْهَم \ definite: certain; clear: a definite promise; a definite plan of action. \ غَيْرُ متأكِّد \ in doubt: uncertain: When in doubt, ask your father. \ غَيْرُ مُتَجَانِس \ odd: mixed; different from each other: a boxful of odd tools; two odd shoes (not a pair). \ غَيْرُ مُتَحَرِّك \ stationary: not moving: a stationary vehicle. \ غَيْرُ مُتَحَفِّظ \ outspoken: (of sb. or his speech) saying just what one thinks, although it may annoy some people. \ غَيْرُ مُتَحَمِّس \ cool: unfriendly; They gave us rather a cool welcome. \ غَيْرُ متحمّس لِـ \ half-hearted: not eager; showing little effort or interest: He made a half-hearted attempt at the work. \ غَيْرُ مُتَرَابِط \ scrappy: made of scraps; incomplete; badly arranged: a scrappy meal; a scrappy report. \ غَيْرُ مُتَّصِل \ intermittent: repeatedly stopping and starting; not continuous: intermittent rain. \ غَيْرُ مُتَّصِل بِـ \ irrelevant: not concerned with, not in any way related to the subject: If you are appointing a good teacher, his height is quite irrelevant. \ غَيْرُ مُتَطَرِّف \ moderate: reasonable (in size or amount; in one’s customs or opinions, etc.); neither too big nor too small; neither too much nor too little: moderate prices; moderate political aims. \ غَيْرُ مُتقَن \ rough: not carefully made; not properly finished; not exact: a rough drawing; a rough guess. \ غَيْرُ مُتْقَن (للشيء أو العمل)‏ \ sloppy: (of a person) lacking effort or spirit; weakly lazy; (of a substance) wet and loose: a sloppy piece of work; a sloppy paste. \ غَيْرُ مُتَكَلّف \ homely: simple and friendly; making one feel at home: This little hotel has a homely feeling. \ غَيْرُ مُتَمدِّن (إنسان)‏ \ savage: old use sb. living in an undeveloped society, seen as fierce and wild and likely to attack strangers. \ غَيْرُ مُتَوَازِن \ top-heavy: so heavy at the top that it is likely to fall over: a top heavy load. \ غَيْرُ مُتَوَافر \ out of stock: not in stock. \ غَيْرُ مُتَوَقَّع \ abrupt: (of movement, change, etc.) sudden and unexpected: an abrupt change of plan. unexpected: not expected; surprising that one did not think would happen: an unexpected present; something quite unexpected. \ غَيْرُ مُجْدٍ \ vain: useless; unsuccessful: a vain attempt. ineffective: not able to produce the desired effect: This medicine is quite ineffective. \ غَيْرُ مُحْتَرِف \ amateur: one who works or plays for pleasure, not for money: an amateur actor. \ غَيْرُ مُحْتَمَل \ improbable: not likely to happen: That is an improbable idea. intolerable: (of heat, annoyance, rudeness, etc.) more than one can bear. \ غَيْرُ مُحَدَّد \ indefinite: adj. not clear; not fixed in time: indefinite ideas; at an indefinite date. \ غَيْرُ مَحْدُود \ infinite: endless; not measurable: I have infinite faith in his abilities. This is infinitely better than that. The infinite space of the sky. whole-hearted: full, unlimited, eager and willing: His plan had their whole-hearted support. \ غَيْرُ مُدْرِك \ unaware: not knowing: I was unaware of all the facts. He was unaware of the danger he was in. \ غَيْرُ مَرْئيّ \ invisible: unable to be seen: The sun remained invisible behind the heavy clouds. unseen: not seen; without being seen: The prisoner escaped unseen. \ غَيْرُ مُرَاعٍ لشُعور الآخرين \ thoughtless: careless; not troubling about the future or about other people: a thoughtless waste of money; thoughtless cruelty. \ غَيْرُ مَرْبُوط \ undone: not done finished; no longer fastened: He left half the work undone. Your shoe has came undone. \ غَيْرُ مَرْبُوط \ loose: not tied; not contained in sth.: The sweets were sold loose, not packed in tins. \ See Also مقيد (مُقيَّد)‏ \ غَيْرُ مُرْتاح \ uneasy: anxious, uncomfortable. \ غَيْرُ مُرَتَّب \ dishevelled: (of a person’s appearance, esp. hair) untidy. \ غَيْرُ مُرَكَّز \ watery: like water; containing too much water: watery milk. weak: (of liquids like tea or coffee) lacking taste or strength, because of too much water or milk. \ غَيْرُ مُريح \ inconvenient: causing difficulty; not what suits one: That is an inconvenient time to visit me. uncomfortable: not comfortable: This chair is very uncomfortable. I’m very uncomfortable in it. \ غَيْرُ مَسْؤُول \ irresponsible: doing foolish things without thinking of the probable results; not trustworthy: It was irresponsible of you to give the child a box of matches to play with. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَحَبّ \ unpleasant: not pleasing or enjoyable; (of people) wanting to quarrel; unkind: What an unpleasant smell! The heat of summer can be very unpleasant. That man was rather unpleasant to me. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَخْدَم \ obsolete: no longer used; out of date: an obsolete word; an obsolete custom. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَعْمَل \ archaic: very old; (esp. of words) no longer used. \ غَيْرُ مُسْتَوٍ \ irregular: not regular; uneven: irregular visits; an irregular shape. rugged: rough and rocky: a rugged coast; rugged cliffs. \ غَيْرُ مُسْرَج \ bareback: (in riding horses, etc.) without a proper leather seat: The boys rode bareback. \ غَيْرُ مُسْكِر (للشَّراب)‏ \ soft: (of drinks) not alcoholic. \ غَيْرُ مَشْرُوع \ foul: (in sport) disobeying the rules: Foul play. The whistle was blown for a foul. \ غَيْرُ مشغول \ free: not busy; not in use: If you’re free this evening, let’s go to the cinema. Is this seat free?. \ غَيْرُ مُصابٍ بِأَذى \ intact: not touched; not damaged or broken; complete: The box was broken but the contents were intact. \ غَيْرُ مَصْقول \ rough: not carefully made; not properly finished; not exact: a rough drawing; a rough guess. coarse: (of people and their manners) rough; rude: a coarse fellow; a coarse laugh. \ غَيْرُ مُصَنَّع \ crude: in its natural state: crude oil. \ غَيْرُ مَصْنُوع \ undone: not done finished; no longer fastened: He left half the work undone. Your shoe has come undone. \ See Also منجز (مُنْجَز)‏ \ غَيْرُ مطبوخ \ raw: uncooked: raw meat. \ غَيْرُ مُطْلَق \ relative: comparative: the relative values of gold and iron. \ غَيْرُ مُعَدّ \ rambling: (of speeches, stories, etc.) not planned; wandering aimlessly: He wrote a long rambling letter about his troubles. \ غَيْرُ مُعَشَّق \ out of gear: with the engine separated from the driving wheels. \ غَيْرُ مُعَقَّد \ simple: plain; not fine or grand: We lead a simple life in the country. \ See Also منمق (مُنَمَّق)، متكلف (مُتَكَلَّف)‏ \ غَيْرُ مَعْقُول \ absurd: not at all sensible; foolish: The singer’s absurd clothes made us laugh. \ غَيْرُ مُغَطّى \ naked: not protected by a cover: naked sword; a naked light (whose flame is therefore dangerous). \ غَيْرُ مُفيد \ useless: worthless; fulfilling no purpose; without effect. \ غَيْرُ مَقْرُوء \ illegible: difficult or impossible to read (because the letters or figures cannot be clearly seen). \ غَيْرُ مُقَيَّد \ open: not limited: The next race is open to children of any age. It’s an open race. \ غَيْرُ مُقَيَّد \ wanton: carelessly uncontrolled;with no good reason; wild or playful, with bad resutls: Wanton behaviour causes wanton damage. \ غَيْرُ مُكْتَرِث \ careless: not taking care: Careless drivers cause accidents. indifferent: not caring; not interested: He was quite indifferent to his children’s troubles. \ غَيْرُ مُكْتَرَث بِه \ perfunctory: done with little interest or care: a perfunctory piece of work. \ غَيْرُ مُلائِم \ adverse: unfavourable: an adverse report; adverse winds that delay sailing. improper: not proper; unsuitable; not polite: improper behaviour. inconvenient: causing difficulty; not what suits one: That is an inconvenient time to visit me. \ غَيْرُ مُمطِر \ dry: not wet; with no rain; with no water: a dry cloth; dry weather; a dry river. \ غَيْرُ ممكِن \ impossible: not possible. \ غَيْرُ مُمَيّز \ indiscriminate: not choosing carefully: He invited people indiscriminately to his party. \ غَيْرُ مناسب \ wrong: not correct; mistaken; unsuitable: That’s the wrong answer, and the wrong way to do it. She came in the wrong clothes for riding. \ See Also ملائم (مُلائِم)‏ \ غَيْرُ مُنْطَبِق على \ irrelevant: not concerned with, not in any way related to the subject: If you are appointing a good teacher, his height is quite irrelevant. \ غَيْرُ مُنَظَّم \ random: not planned, not regular: random visits to the city. \ See Also غَيْر مُخَطَّط \ غَيْرُ مَنْظُور \ unseen: not seen; without being seen: The prisoner escaped unseen. \ غَيْرُ مُهْتَمّ به \ perfunctory: done with little interest or care: a perfunctory piece of work. \ غَيْرُ مُهَذَّب \ impolite: not polite; rude. uncouth: lacking good manners; strange in one’s appearance: It is uncouth to push your knife into your mouth when eating. Modern young men don’t condiser it uncouth to wear their hair long. \ غَيْرُ مَوْثوق \ irresponsible: doing foolish things without thinking of the probable results; not trustworthy: It was irresponsible of you to give the child a box of matches to play with. suspect: not trustworthy; possibly the cause of trouble: a rather suspect character. \ غَيْرُ مُوجِع \ painless: causing no pain. \ غَيْرُ موجُود \ lacking: missing: The bread was enough but the butter was lacking. \ غَيْرُ مَوْصُول بالمُحَرِّك \ out of gear: with the engine separated from the driving wheels. \ غَيْرُ ناضج \ immature: not fully formed or developed. \ غَيْرُ نِظاميّ \ irregular: not regular; uneven: irregular visits; an irregular shape. \ غَيْرُ نَقِيّ \ cloudy: (of liquids) not clear. impure: not pure. \ غَيْرُ واثِق \ uncertain: not certain doubtful; undecided; changeable: I’m uncertain what time he’s coming. \ غَيْرُ واثِق من نفْسه \ insecure: feeling afraid and not sure of oneself: He’s a very insecure person, and so he always thinks other people don’t like him. \ غَيْرُ واضِح \ dull: (of the senses) not sharp: a dull pain. vague: not clearly seen or expressed or understood; (of people) having no clear ideas: She made a vague statement. He’s rather vague about his duties. \ غَيْرُ واقعي \ fictitious: imagined; not a fact; not true: a fictitious character in a book. \ غَيْرُ وِدّي \ icy: (of a voice or manner) very cold; very unfriendly. cold: unfriendly: a cold welcome; a cold heart.

    Arabic-English dictionary > غير

  • 4 run

    [rʌn] 1. гл.; прош. вр. ran; прич. прош. вр. run
    а) бежать, бегать

    I've got to run for my bus. — Мне пришлось побежать, чтобы успеть на автобус.

    He ran the mile in under four minutes. — Он пробежал милю меньше чем за четыре минуты.

    The dog ran at the visitor and bit him. — Собака бросилась на посетителя и укусила его.

    I opened the door and the cat ran in. — Я открыл дверь, и в дом забежала кошка.

    He ran at me and kicked me. — Он подбежал ко мне и ударил.

    Would you run up and get my glasses? — Поднимись, пожалуйста, принеси мне очки.

    Lots of people ran out to see what had caused the noise. — Масса народу выбежала на улицу поглядеть, из-за чего этот шум.

    Don't run away, I want to talk to you. — Погоди, я хочу с тобой поговорить.

    б) бегать, передвигаться свободно, без ограничений

    Let chickens run loose. — Пусть цыплята побегают на свободе.

    в) быстро уходить, убегать; спасаться бегством, дезертировать

    The robbers took the money and ran. — Грабители забрали деньги и сбежали.

    I should have to run the country. — Мне придётся покинуть страну.

    If they run their board I shall have to pay it. — Если они сбегут, не заплатив за еду, платить придётся мне.

    а) преследовать; гнать
    б) заставлять (лошадь и т. п.) быстро бежать ( особенно при езде верхом), гнать, погонять

    The horses were run rapidly forward to the skirmish-line. — Лошадей галопом направили к линии огня.

    to run smb. ragged / off his legs — загонять кого-л. до изнеможения

    He had almost run himself to a standstill. — Он набегался так, что не мог сдвинуться с места.

    You'd never believe that woman was nearly eighty, she could run us all off our feet. — Ни за что не скажешь, что этой женщине было почти восемьдесят, она нас всех могла загонять.

    г) ( run out (of)) выгонять (откуда-л.)

    There's enough of us here to run you out. — Нас здесь вполне достаточно для того, чтобы тебя прогнать.

    а) двигать, передвигать, заставлять скользить быстро и без труда

    I cook a meal for him occasionally and I run a vacuum over the place. — Время от времени я готовлю ему еду и провожу уборку с помощью пылесоса.

    б) иск. двигать, перемещать ( декорации) по сцене
    а) быстро перемещаться; двигаться, ехать ( о транспорте)
    б) ходить, курсировать, плавать (о поездах, судах и т. п.)

    to run late — опоздать, прийти не по расписанию

    The shuttle runs daily from New York to Boston. — Самолёты каждый день совершают регулярные рейсы Нью-Йорк - Бостон.

    The trains aren't running now. — Поезда сейчас не ходят.


    Far ran the naked moon. — Высоко плыла беззащитная луна.

    On that day she deviated from the course of the voyage and ran for Mauritius. — В тот день корабль отклонился от намеченного пути и взял курс на остров Маврикий.

    We were winning the boat race until our boat ran aground on a sandbank. — Мы шли впереди всех в лодочной гонке, пока наша лодка не налетела на мель.

    б) быстро плыть, идти на нерест ( о рыбе)
    а) управлять (транспортным средством, судном и т. п.)

    They no longer run steamers there. — Они больше не водят здесь пароходы.

    She got back after lunch and ran the car into the garage. — Она вернулась после завтрака и поставила машину в гараж.

    в) держать (двигатель, машину и т. п.) работающим, действующим

    I can't collect you. I don't run a car. — Я не могу за тобой заехать. У меня не заводится машина.

    а) перевозить, транспортировать; доставлять к месту назначения

    The engine runs trucks to and from the piers on the island. — На острове машина привозила и отвозила товары с пирса и на пирс.

    б) = run across, = run along подвозить (кого-л.)

    I ran Johnson back to my house. — Я отвёз Джонсона обратно к себе домой.

    Don't wait for the bus in this cold weather, I'll run you across to your mother's. — Зачем тебе ждать автобуса на холоде, давай я подброшу тебя до дома твоей матери.

    There's no hurry to get there; I can run you along in the car. — Незачем спешить, я подвезу тебя на своей машине.

    в) перевозить, ввозить ( контрабандный товар)
    8) = run over, = run up совершать краткое путешествие

    During the last five years Fry had formed the habit of running over to Paris. — В течение последних пяти лет у Фрая выработалась привычка ненадолго ездить в Париж.

    а) (run (up)on / against / into) налетать, наталкиваться на (что-л.); сталкиваться с (чем-л.)

    The boat ran (up)on the rocks. — Лодка наскочила на камни.

    Guess whom I ran against in London the other day? — Угадай, с кем я на днях столкнулся в Лондоне?

    б) (run against, run into) ударять, стукать обо (что-л. / кого-л.), сталкивать с (чем-л. / кем-л.)
    а) двигаться, катиться (о мяче; о костях, когда их кидают)

    The ball ran into the street. — Мяч выкатился на улицу.

    б) ударять (по шару, особенно в бильярде), катить (шар, особенно в боулинге)

    He ran the ball strongly 30ft. past the hole. — Он ударил по мячу так, что тот на 30 футов перелетел через лунку.

    11) проводить, пробегать (рукой, глазами и т. п.)

    She ran her fingers over the smooth material. — Она провела пальцами по гладкой ткани.

    I caught myself running my glance round. — Я поймал себя на том, что мельком оглядываю всё вокруг.

    She ran down the first page of her letter. — Она пробежала первую страницу письма.

    His eye swiftly ran from line to line. — Его глаза быстро перебегали с одной строчки на другую.

    Let's run through the whole play from the beginning. — Давайте посмотрим всю пьесу сначала.

    а) вращаться, крутиться

    In which case the wheel will have liberty to run. — В этом случае колесо сможет свободно вращаться.

    б) идти, крутиться (о киноплёнке, магнитной плёнке); демонстрироваться ( о фильме)

    I'd been to see a film in the afternoon, and it ran longer than I expected. — Днём я пошёл посмотреть фильм, и он продолжался дольше, чем я думал.

    The film began to run. — Начался фильм.

    а) литься, струиться, течь

    The stream runs down the valley. — Поток стекает в долину.

    Tears ran from her eyes. — Из глаз у неё текли слёзы.

    б) ( run with) сделаться мокрым от (чего-л.)

    The mud walls ran down with damp. — Грязные стены отсырели от влажности.

    в) протекать, течь; переполняться ( о сосудах); наполняться ( о ванне)
    14) расплываться; линять (о рисунке и т. п.)

    Her red blouse ran on the lighter colored clothes in the wash. — При стирке красная блузка линяла, окрашивая более светлые вещи.

    а) плавиться, таять, течь ( в результате таяния)

    The ice cream ran in the warm sun. — Мороженое на солнце растаяло.

    б) соединяться (в один кусок, особенно во влажном или расплавленном состоянии), затвердевать ( комком)
    а) скользить, легко двигаться, идти гладко

    The neck-halter seems to have been tarry, and did not run. — Верёвка с петлей, похоже, не была пропитана и поэтому не скользила.

    б) ( run through) проводить по (чему-л.), пропускать через (что-л.)

    to run a pen through smth. — зачеркнуть, перечеркнуть что-л. ручкой

    Will you run a thread through an eyelet? — Продень нитку в иголку, будь так добр.

    а) простираться, расстилаться, тянуться прям. и перен.

    A balustrade runs round the building. — Вокруг здания тянется балюстрада.

    He was brilliantly attired in crimson pyjamas. Who would have thought his taste would run to the exotic? (S. Woods) — Он был облачён в малиновую пижаму. Кто бы мог предположить, что он дойдёт до такой экзотики?

    б) тянуться, расти, обвиваться ( о растениях)
    18) спорт.
    а) соревноваться, участвовать (в соревнованиях, скачках)
    б) проводить (бега, гонки, скачки)

    The Derby has been run in a snowstorm. — Дерби проводилось во время бурана.

    в) заявлять ( лошадь) на скачки

    No person can run more than one horse for any plate. — На любые скачки на приз каждый может заявить только одну лошадь.

    19) брать назад (слово, обещание и т. п.), расторгать, нарушать ( договор)

    The contracting party may be inclined to run from his word. — Договаривающаяся сторона, возможно, захочет взять назад своё слово.

    20) ( run off) не оказывать влияния на (кого-л.)

    The scoldings run off him like water off a duck's back. — Его ругают, а с него всё как с гуся вода.

    а) преим. амер. баллотироваться, выставлять (свою) кандидатуру на выборах

    Richard Roe will run for mayor. — Ричард Роу выставит свою кандидатуру на пост мэра.

    22) амер. навязывать, расхваливать, рекламировать

    I went with him to the house he was running for. — Я пошёл с ним к дому, который он так расхваливал.

    A whisper ran through the crowd. — По толпе пробежал шёпот.

    The news ran all over town. — Известие быстро распространилось по всему городу.

    24) муз.; = run down исполнять, выводить рулады; быстро пропевать
    а) быстро вырастать, давая семена

    Her stocking ran. — У неё на чулке спустилась петля.

    27) работать, функционировать

    One of these little engines recently ran forty-seven days and nights without stoppage. — Один из этих маленьких моторчиков недавно проработал сорок семь суток без остановки.

    The American university: how it runs, where it is going. — Американский университет: как он живёт, куда он движется.

    28) крутиться, вертеться, постоянно возвращаться ( о мыслях)

    phrase running in the head — фраза, которая крутится в голове

    It runs in my head that I've heard something about it. — У меня вертелось в голове, что я где-то уже об этом слышал.

    My thoughts have been running upon the future. — Я всё думаю о будущем.

    а) проходить, бежать, лететь

    Life ran smoothly in its ordinary grooves. — Жизнь текла гладко в своём привычном русле.

    Their talks ran on for hours. — Они говорили часами.


    The night was almost run. — Ночь почти прошла.

    come to an end, expire
    30) идти, продолжаться, длиться; быть действительным ( на определённый срок)

    The lease runs for five years. — Аренда действительна на пять лет.

    а) идти (о пьесе, фильме)

    This film is now running at all cinemas. — Этот фильм идёт сейчас во всех кинотеатрах.

    б) показывать (пьесу, фильм)
    а) иметь хождение, быть в обращении ( о деньгах)
    б) действовать на определённой территории, распространяться на определённой территории (о законах, воззваниях)

    Musical ability runs in my family. — В нашей семье ярко выражены музыкальные способности.

    а) быть напечатанным, быть опубликованным, появиться

    The story ran in all the papers. — История появилась во всех газетах.

    б) печатать, публиковать

    The ad was run in the paper for two days. — Объявление публиковалось в газете два дня.

    35) гласить (о документе, тексте и т. п.); быть выраженным ( определённым способом)

    I know not how his proper official title ran. — Я не знаю, каков был его официальный титул.

    36) = run out, = run up достигать ( определённого) количества, стоимости, доходить, равняться

    Last autumn arrests of illegal immigrants were running 80 a week. — Прошлой осенью число арестов нелегальных иммигрантов доходило до 80 в неделю.

    The bill runs to $100. — Счёт составляет 100 долларов.

    The prices run from $5 to $200. — Цены варьируются от 5 до 200 долларов.

    The book ran into five editions. — Книга выдержала пять изданий.

    The total area runs out at 25,000 square miles. — Вся область составляет 25000 квадратных миль.

    The bill for the repairs might run up to $300. — Счёт за ремонт может составить около 300 долларов.


    The members encouraged one another in running the Christian course. — Все члены поддерживали друг друга в следовании христианской религии.

    38) подвергаться (опасности, риску и т. п.)

    We run a danger of wasting time. — Мы рискуем потерять время.

    She's not afraid to run a risk. — Она не боится риска.

    а) прорывать, преодолевать (какое-л. препятствие); пробиваться сквозь (что-л.)

    The escaped prisoners ran the roadblock. — Сбежавшие заключённые проскочили сквозь дорожно-пропускной пункт.

    б) разг. проскочить ( на красный свет)

    Wilson told officers the brakes of his truck failed, causing him to run a red light at the intersection. — Уилсон сказал полицейским, что у его грузовика отказали тормоза, поэтому ему пришлось на перекрёстке проскочить на красный свет.

    а) сшивать на скорую руку, смётывать
    в) прикреплять (ленту, тесьму и т. п.), пропуская через прорези в одежде
    41) ( be run) быть стеснённым (в чём-л.)

    I shall be hard run unless I can get a certain sum of money. — У меня будут большие денежные затруднения, если я не достану определённую сумму денег.

    Both author and artist were notoriously always run for time. — И писатель, и художник были известны тем, что у них всегда не хватало времени.

    42) наседать, поджимать (в состязаниях, соперничестве)

    Gloriana would run her very close on the score of beauty. — Глориана не отставала от неё по красоте.

    43) преим. амер. руководить, управлять; вести (дело, предприятие и т. п.); следить (за кем-л.), контролировать

    Teach me how to run the business. — Научи меня вести дела.

    Our staff are highly efficient; the place runs itself almost without our interference. — У нас высококвалифицированные служащие; предприятие работает практически без нашего вмешательства.

    You're my father and all that, but I'll be damned if you run me any more. — Ты мой отец и всё такое, но будь я проклят, если я ещё хоть раз позволю тебе собой командовать.

    44) ввести (кого-л.) в общество
    45) амер. помогать, обеспечивать средствами к существованию

    I was running a small fever. — У меня была небольшая температура.

    I don't like her running this temperature. — Мне не нравится, что у неё такая высокая температура.

    47) = run through приводить в действие, включать ( кинокамеру)
    48) проводить (эксперимент, тест), проводить измерения
    49) амер.; австрал.; разг. дразнить, досаждать, изводить,
    50) разг. заявлять (о ком-л.) в полицию, передавать (кого-л.) в руки полиции
    51) воен. выдвигать обвинение против (кого-л.)
    52) подтасовывать, фальсифицировать
    а) вырезать ( знак), рисовать, чертить ( линию) на поверхности
    б) вести, тянуть, проводить (что-л. в определённом направлении или до определённой длины)
    54) прослеживать, устанавливать (параллели, сходство); проводить ( различия)
    55) объединять, соединять

    The events of two days have been run into one. — События двух дней были объединены в одно.

    56) ( run to) тяготеть к (чему-л.), иметь склонность к (чему-л.)

    The writer runs to descriptive details. — Этот писатель очень любит подробно описывать детали.

    57) ( run to) обращаться к (кому-л., за помощью или советом)
    58) ( run to) хватать, быть достаточным для (чего-л.)

    The money won't run to a car. — Этих денег не хватит на машину.

    59) ( run with) общаться с (кем-л.); водить компанию с (кем-л.)

    In his younger days he ran with some very undesirable types. — В юности он общался с некоторыми очень подозрительными типами.

    60) ( run across) (случайно) встретиться с (кем-л.); натолкнуться на (кого-л. / что-л.)

    I ran across my former teacher this afternoon. — Сегодня я встретил своего старого учителя.

    I ran across an excellent book on history. — Я тут обнаружил замечательную книгу по истории.

    61) ( run after) "бегать", ухаживать за (кем-л.)

    All the girls are running after the attractive new student. — Девушки прохода не дают этому симпатичному студенту-новичку.

    62) ( run into) наезжать на (что-л.), врезаться во (что-л.)

    I ran into the gatepost and hurt my knee. — Я налетел на столб и повредил колено.

    This lamppost looks as if it's been run into by a bus. — Этот столб выглядит так, как будто в него врезался автобус.

    63) ( run into) случайно встретить (кого-л.), столкнуться с (кем-л.)

    Guess who I run into in the High Street this afternoon? — Знаешь, кого я сегодня встретил на Хай-Стрит?

    bang I 2. 8), bump, barge, knock
    64) ( run into) столкнуться с (чем-л. неприятным)
    65) ( run (up)on) касаться (какой-л. темы), вращаться вокруг (какой-л. темы)

    His thoughts ran upon the happy times that he had spent there. — Он вспомнил о том счастливом времени, которое провёл здесь когда-то.

    66) ( run over) просматривать; повторять (что-л.)

    Just run over your notes before the examination. — Просто прогляди свои конспекты перед экзаменом.

    67) ( run through) промотать ( деньги)
    68) (run + прил.) становиться, делаться

    The little pond ran dry. — Маленький пруд высох.

    The roads ran wild. — Дороги заросли.

    Some say whiskey will run a man crazy. — Некоторые говорят, что от виски человек становится психом.

    - run low
    - run cold
    - run mad
    - run hot
    69) держать, мыть ( под краном)
    накапливаться, образовываться ( о долге)

    It is found a great safeguard against debt not to run long accounts. — Хорошая гарантия не делать долгов - не накапливать счёта.

    а) ( run into) втыкать, вонзать во (что-л.)
    б) ( run through) прокалывать, пронзать, протыкать (кого-л.)

    Ormonde ran two of the cowards through the body. — Ормонд пронзил тела двух трусов.

    72) иметь ( определённый) склад, характер, свойство, форму

    His hair was brown, with a tendency to run in ringlets. — У него были каштановые волосы, имеющие тенденцию завиваться колечками.

    а) преим. австрал. выпускать на подножный корм (коров, овец)
    б) запустить (хорька, которого держат для отлова кроликов, уничтожения крыс) в нору
    74) диал. скисать, сквашиваться ( о молоке)
    а) истекать (чем-л.)

    His lips, his fangs, ran blood. — С его губ, с его клыков стекала кровь.

    The drains will run the water out of the land. — Дренажные канавы осушат земли.

    - run ashore
    - run aground
    - run foul of
    - run short
    - run counter
    - run about
    - run along
    - run around
    - run away
    - run back
    - run down
    - run in
    - run off
    - run on
    - run out
    - run over
    - run round
    - run through
    - run up

    to run one's mouth / off at the mouth — амер.; разг. неумеренно болтать, пустозвонить

    - run to form
    - run off the rails
    - run for luck
    - run messages
    - run it close
    - run it fine
    - run smth. close
    - run smb. close
    - run too far
    - run the gantlope
    - run oneself into the ground
    - run away with the idea
    2. сущ.
    а) бег, пробег, пробежка

    to keep smb. on the run — не давать кому-л. остановиться

    We took a run around the track. — Мы побежали по беговой дорожке.

    б) перебежка, за которую засчитывается очко ( в крикете или бейсболе)
    в) гон; забег ( на скачках)
    2) короткая поездка, небольшое путешествие

    Let's take a run upstate for the day. — Давай съездим на денёк за город.

    а) плавание, переход ( особенно между двумя портами)
    б) ж.-д. пробег (паровоза, вагона)
    в) ж.-д. отрезок пути; прогон
    а) воен. наступательная операция, атака с моря или воздуха
    б) авиа заход на цель

    The aircraft is seen making its second run over the target. — Видно, как самолёт делает второй заход на цель.

    а) полёт, перелёт; рейс

    I was on the Sydney-Melbourne run. — Я совершал перелёт из Сиднея в Мельбурн.

    б) расстояние, пролетаемое самолётом
    7) выгрузка контрабандного товара ( доставляемого по морю), прибытие контрабандного товара

    Keep careful watch tonight; run expected. — Будьте на страже сегодня ночью; ожидается прибытие контрабандного товара.

    8) регулярный обход, объезд

    At night when they had done the evening run on their traps they would return home. — Вечером после того, как они объезжали все свои ловушки, они возвращались домой.

    9) амер.
    а) ручей, речушка
    б) сток, водослив
    в) поток, сильный прилив
    10) струя песка, обвал, оползень
    12) муз. рулада
    13) период времени, полоса (удач, неудач и т. п.)

    Gamblers always hope for a run of good luck. — Игроки всегда надеются, что наступит полоса удач.

    We have had a long-continued run of the loveliest weather. — На длительный период установилась чудеснейшая погода.

    14) геол. простирание пласта; направление рудной жилы
    16) амер. спустившаяся петля ( обычно на чулке)

    I'm darning up a run in my old ski sweater. — Я зашиваю спустившуюся петлю на старом свитере.

    17) непрерывная серия, последовательность
    18) рыба, идущая на нерест

    run of the Field Newspaper from 1985 — подшивка газеты "Филд" с 1985 года

    20) горн. поезд или ряд вагонеток ( в шахте)
    21) ( the run) разг. приступ поноса
    а) фин. наплыв требований к банкам о немедленных выплатах

    In July the failure of some commercial firms resulted in a run on several German banks. — В июле банкротство нескольких коммерческих фирм привело к массовому изъятию вкладов из нескольких немецких банков.

    б) спрос (на какой-л. товар)

    The book has a considerable run. — Книга хорошо распродаётся.

    в) наплыв, скопление (покупателей и т. п.)
    23) период, в который спектакль, фильм остаётся на сцене, идёт в прокате; период, в который выставка открыта для посетителей

    This comedy has a lengthened run. — Эта комедия уже долго идёт на сцене.

    The International Textile Exhibition closed yesterday after a run of something like six weeks. — Вчера закрылась международная текстильная выставка, которая работала около шести недель.

    а) ток ( жидкости); количество жидкости, протекающее в единицу времени

    It was no hard run - but my 104 buckets would probably yield 40 or 50 gallons of maple sap today. — Ток был не очень обильным - однако сегодня 104 моих ведра, возможно, дали 40 или 50 галлонов кленового сока.

    б) нефт. погон, фракция
    а) ход, работа, действие (машины, двигателя)

    Only one experimental run to test the machinery has been made. — Для проверки оборудования было проведено только одно экспериментальное испытание.

    в) информ. (однократный) проход, прогон ( программы)
    26) нечто среднее, стандарт; большинство

    common / general / normal / ordinary run — обычный, средний тип, класс

    We've had nothing exciting - just the usual run of applicants. — У нас не происходило ничего особенного - обычные просители.

    a man of mind, above the run of men — умный человек, превосходящий большинство людей

    27) выводок (о детёнышах животных, птиц)
    28) партия товара, класс товара

    The best runs of English and foreign wheat sell at full prices. — Лучшие сорта английской и иностранной пшеницы продаются по полной цене.

    run of 3,000 copies — тираж в 3000 экземпляров

    30) тропа, проложенная животными
    31) нора, убежище

    The kids are building a rabbit run. — Дети строят норку для кролика.


    Fowls are restricted to a narrow yard or run. — Домашние птицы содержатся в узком загоне или вольере.

    б) австрал. (овечье) пастбище
    в) австрал. скотоводческая ферма
    33) уклон; трасса
    34) ( runs) амер. место разгрузки, погрузки или сортировки вагонов, горка
    а) жёлоб, лоток, труба и т. п. (для воды)
    б) горн. бремсберг, уклон
    36) мор. кормовое заострение ( корпуса)
    37) направление; тенденция развития

    We shall find, I think, the general run of things to be such as I have represented it. — Я думаю, что мы обнаружим общую тенденцию развития такой, как я здесь представил.

    38) разг. свобода, возможность пользования (чем-л.)

    You have the run of my office. — Вы можете свободно пользоваться моим офисом.

    Then I have the run of the place entirely to myself. — Итак, это место в полном моём распоряжении.

    39) амер. переселение колонистов на новые земли
    40) австрал.; новозел. стрижка овцы

    the run of one's teeth / knife — бесплатное питание ( обычно за выполненную работу)

    in the long run — в конце концов; в общем

    to get the runпреим. австрал.; разг. быть уволенным с работы

    - be on the run
    - do smth. on the run
    - have smb. on the run
    - get smb. on the run
    - keep smb. on the run
    3. прил.
    2) мор. сбежавший, дезертировавший
    3) идущий на нерест, нерестящийся ( о рыбе)
    4) шотл. туго затянутый ( об узле)
    5) горн. мягкий
    6) диал. скисший, свернувшийся ( о молоке)
    coagulated, clotted
    7) разг. контрабандный ( о товаре)
    9) гонимый, преследуемый; измученный погоней, выдохшийся
    hunted, chased
    10) продолжающийся, непрерывный
    11) (- run) происходящий ( определённым образом)

    Nothing differs more from a true-run race than the ordinary careful gallop used in training. — Настоящие скачки кардинально отличаются от обычного аккуратного галопа при тренировке.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > run

  • 5 tonto

    1 silly, dull, empty-headed, foolish.
    2 silly, footling, foolish.
    3 useless, dumb.
    4 stupefied.
    fool, blockhead, dunce, idiot.
    * * *
    1 silly, stupid, US dumb
    ¡qué idea más tonta! what a stupid idea!
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 fool, idiot
    a tontas y a locas without rhyme or reason
    hacer el tonto / hacer la tonta to act the fool
    hacerse el tonto / hacerse la tonta to play dumb
    ponerse tonto,-a familiar to get stroppy
    tonto,-a de remate / tonto,-a de capirote familiar prize idiot
    un,-a tonto,-a del bote familiar a right berk, a real twerp
    * * *
    1. (f. - tonta)
    2. (f. - tonta)
    foolish, stupid
    * * *
    tonto, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) [persona]
    a) (=bobo) [dicho con afecto] silly; [dicho con enfado] stupid

    venga, vente con nosotros, ¡no seas tonto! — come on, come with us, don't be silly!

    ¡qué tonto soy! — how silly o stupid of me!

    ¿tú te has creído que yo soy tonto?, ¿me tomas por tonto? — do you think I'm stupid?

    b) [poco inteligente] stupid

    ¡y parecía tonto! — and we thought he was stupid!

    a lo tonto —

    ¿para qué esforzarse a lo tonto? — why go to all that trouble for nothing?

    y a lo tonto, a lo tonto, se le pasó la mitad del día — and before he knew it, half the day had slipped by

    a tontas y a locas —

    piénsalo bien, no quiero que actúes/hables a tontas y a locas — think carefully, don't just do/say the first thing that comes into your head

    esos jóvenes sin seso que solo hablan a tontas y a locas — these silly youngsters who chatter away without even thinking what they're saying

    c) (=insolente) silly

    ¡si te pones tonto no te vuelvo a traer al cine! — if you start being silly I won't take you to the cinema again!

    d) (=torpe)

    hoy se me olvida todo, estoy como tonto — I keep forgetting things today, I'm out of it *

    dejar a algn tonto Esp to leave sb speechless

    e) (=presumido) stuck-up *
    f) (Med) imbecile
    pelo 8)
    2) [risa, frase, accidente] silly

    ¡qué fallo más tonto! — it was a really silly mistake!

    caja 1)
    2. SM / F

    soy un tonto, ¡nunca debí haberla escuchado! — I'm such an idiot, I should never have listened to her!

    allí estaba, riéndome como una tonta — there I was, laughing like an idiot

    2) (Med) imbecile
    3. SM
    1) (Circo, Teat) clown, funny man
    2) And, CAm (=palanca) jemmy
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) [SER] < persona> ( falto de inteligencia) stupid, dumb (colloq); ( ingenuo) silly

    fui tan tonto como para decirle que síI was stupid o foolish enough to say yes

    b) [ESTAR] ( intratable) difficult, silly; ( disgustado) upset

    dejar tonto a alguien — (Esp fam) to leave somebody speechless

    hacer tonto a alguien — (Chi fam) to fool somebody

    2) <excusa/error/historia> silly
    - ta masculino, femenino ( falto de inteligencia) idiot, dummy (colloq); ( ingenuo) idiot, fool

    hacer el tonto — ( hacer payasadas) to play o act the fool; ( actuar con necedad) to make a fool of oneself

    hacerse el tontoto act dumb

    * * *
    = fool, witless, bonehead, goofy [goofier -comp., goofiest -sup.], imbecile, cretin, lemon, airheaded, duffer, drongo, schmuck, schmo, moke, twerp, dweeb, chump, birdbrained, birdbrain, dork, plonker.
    Ex. A chapter each is devoted to the comic hero, comedian, humorist, rogue, trickster, clown, fool, underdog, and simpleton.
    Ex. She refutes the idea of the women's magazine as a 'mouthpiece of masculine interest, of patriarchy and commercialism' that preyed on 'passive, dependent, and witless' women readers.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.
    Ex. The article 'Book pricing: economics of a goofy business' examines briefly the economics of the book publishing process from the viewpoint of the book wholesaler.
    Ex. The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex. Cretin is a word derived from an 18th century Swiss-French word meaning Christian.
    Ex. The court also heard the victim's brother accuse the defendant of physical abuse and of calling him a ' lemon and a retard'.
    Ex. She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.
    Ex. Plus, no matter what she did to stop people from picking on her she always ended up being called a duffer.
    Ex. Now I know to you inteligent types this sounds a simple problem but to a drongo like me it is like quantum physics!!!.
    Ex. Schmuck entered English as a borrowed word from Yiddish, where it is an obscene term literally meaning a foreskin or head of a penis, and an insult.
    Ex. This team of schmoes is capable of anything.
    Ex. States know better what their own citizens needs are than do the mokes in Washington.
    Ex. He started life as a twerp, then fairly quickly became a jerk and ended up an old sourpuss.
    Ex. For this reason, I will probably not vote in the London mayoral election at all and this doesn't make me a whinging negativist dweeb.
    Ex. Americans are such chumps, because we refuse to see what is going on right in front of our eyes.
    Ex. She has her own birdbrained way of thinking about things, but most of what she says is vaguely prophetic.
    Ex. I am thinking humans can be such birdbrains when it comes to communication.
    Ex. And then we get nongs like Joe here who just cant help himself from being a dork.
    Ex. If she'd been my daughter in fact I'd never have let her go out with an obvious plonker like myself.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * chica bonita y tonta = bimbo.
    * chiste tonto para desternillarse = knee slapper.
    * chiste tonto pero gracioso = knee slapper.
    * como un tonto = stupidly, foolishly.
    * guaperas tonto = himbo.
    * hacer el tonto = fool around, horse around/about.
    * hacerse el tonto = act + dumb.
    * no tener un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * risa tonta = giggle.
    * risita tonta = giggle.
    * rubia tonta = dumb blonde.
    * típica rubia tonta = bimbo.
    * típico guaperas tonto = himbo.
    * tonto de capirote = blockhead, prize idiot.
    * tonto del bote = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, bonehead, birdbrain, knucklehead.
    * tonto del bote, tonto de remate, tonto del culo, tonto perdido, chiflado per = knucklehead.
    * tonto del cullo = arsehole [asshole, -USA].
    * tonto del culo = mug, prick, as daft as a brush, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * tonto del pueblo, el = village fool, the.
    * tonto de marca mayor = prize idiot.
    * tonto de remate = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * tonto genio = idiot savant.
    * tonto perdido = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, knucklehead.
    * tontos /tarea de tontos = fool's errand.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) [SER] < persona> ( falto de inteligencia) stupid, dumb (colloq); ( ingenuo) silly

    fui tan tonto como para decirle que síI was stupid o foolish enough to say yes

    b) [ESTAR] ( intratable) difficult, silly; ( disgustado) upset

    dejar tonto a alguien — (Esp fam) to leave somebody speechless

    hacer tonto a alguien — (Chi fam) to fool somebody

    2) <excusa/error/historia> silly
    - ta masculino, femenino ( falto de inteligencia) idiot, dummy (colloq); ( ingenuo) idiot, fool

    hacer el tonto — ( hacer payasadas) to play o act the fool; ( actuar con necedad) to make a fool of oneself

    hacerse el tontoto act dumb

    * * *
    = fool, witless, bonehead, goofy [goofier -comp., goofiest -sup.], imbecile, cretin, lemon, airheaded, duffer, drongo, schmuck, schmo, moke, twerp, dweeb, chump, birdbrained, birdbrain, dork, plonker.

    Ex: A chapter each is devoted to the comic hero, comedian, humorist, rogue, trickster, clown, fool, underdog, and simpleton.

    Ex: She refutes the idea of the women's magazine as a 'mouthpiece of masculine interest, of patriarchy and commercialism' that preyed on 'passive, dependent, and witless' women readers.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.
    Ex: The article 'Book pricing: economics of a goofy business' examines briefly the economics of the book publishing process from the viewpoint of the book wholesaler.
    Ex: The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex: Cretin is a word derived from an 18th century Swiss-French word meaning Christian.
    Ex: The court also heard the victim's brother accuse the defendant of physical abuse and of calling him a ' lemon and a retard'.
    Ex: She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.
    Ex: Plus, no matter what she did to stop people from picking on her she always ended up being called a duffer.
    Ex: Now I know to you inteligent types this sounds a simple problem but to a drongo like me it is like quantum physics!!!.
    Ex: Schmuck entered English as a borrowed word from Yiddish, where it is an obscene term literally meaning a foreskin or head of a penis, and an insult.
    Ex: This team of schmoes is capable of anything.
    Ex: States know better what their own citizens needs are than do the mokes in Washington.
    Ex: He started life as a twerp, then fairly quickly became a jerk and ended up an old sourpuss.
    Ex: For this reason, I will probably not vote in the London mayoral election at all and this doesn't make me a whinging negativist dweeb.
    Ex: Americans are such chumps, because we refuse to see what is going on right in front of our eyes.
    Ex: She has her own birdbrained way of thinking about things, but most of what she says is vaguely prophetic.
    Ex: I am thinking humans can be such birdbrains when it comes to communication.
    Ex: And then we get nongs like Joe here who just cant help himself from being a dork.
    Ex: If she'd been my daughter in fact I'd never have let her go out with an obvious plonker like myself.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * chica bonita y tonta = bimbo.
    * chiste tonto para desternillarse = knee slapper.
    * chiste tonto pero gracioso = knee slapper.
    * como un tonto = stupidly, foolishly.
    * guaperas tonto = himbo.
    * hacer el tonto = fool around, horse around/about.
    * hacerse el tonto = act + dumb.
    * no tener un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * risa tonta = giggle.
    * risita tonta = giggle.
    * rubia tonta = dumb blonde.
    * típica rubia tonta = bimbo.
    * típico guaperas tonto = himbo.
    * tonto de capirote = blockhead, prize idiot.
    * tonto del bote = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, bonehead, birdbrain, knucklehead.
    * tonto del bote, tonto de remate, tonto del culo, tonto perdido, chiflado per = knucklehead.
    * tonto del cullo = arsehole [asshole, -USA].
    * tonto del culo = mug, prick, as daft as a brush, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * tonto del pueblo, el = village fool, the.
    * tonto de marca mayor = prize idiot.
    * tonto de remate = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * tonto genio = idiot savant.
    * tonto perdido = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, knucklehead.
    * tontos /tarea de tontos = fool's errand.

    * * *
    tonto1 -ta
    1 [ SER] ‹persona› (falto de inteligencia) stupid, dumb ( colloq) (ingenuo) silly
    ¡pero qué tonto eres! ¿de verdad te lo has creído? you idiot! did you really believe it?
    mírala … y parecía tonta look at her, and we thought she was stupid!
    no seas tonta, aprovecha ahora que puedes don't be silly! make the most of it while you can
    y él fue tan tonto como para decirle que sí and he was stupid o dumb o foolish enough to say yes
    2 [ ESTAR] (travieso) difficult, silly; (disgustado) upset
    no me hagas caso, hoy estoy tonta don't take any notice of me, I'm in a funny mood today
    se pone muy tonto siempre que hay visita he gets really silly o difficult when there are visitors
    a lo tonto: a lo tonto, a lo tonto lleva ya ganados varios millones he's won several million just like that o without even trying
    lo dijo a lo tonto y resulta que acertó it was a wild guess o he said it without thinking and it turned out to be right
    hablas a lo tonto you're talking through your hat
    a tontas y a locas without thinking
    gasta el dinero a tontas y a locas she spends money like there's no tomorrow ( colloq)
    dejar tonto a algn ( Esp fam); to leave sb speechless
    hacer tonto a algn ( Chi fam); to make a fool of sb, fool sb
    ser más tonto que Abundio or que hecho de encargo or que una mata de habas ( Esp fam); to be as dumb as they come ( colloq), to be daft as a brush ( BrE colloq)
    ser tonto del bote or del culo ( Esp fam); to be a complete idiot
    B ‹excusa/error/historia› silly
    fue una caída de lo más tonta pero ya ves, me rompí el tobillo it was such a silly o ridiculous fall but, as you see, I broke my ankle
    tonto2 -ta
    masculine, feminine
    (falto de inteligencia) idiot, dummy ( colloq); (ingenuo) idiot, fool
    eres un tonto por haberte dejado engañar así you're an idiot o a fool to let yourself be taken in like that
    hacer el tonto (hacer payasadas) to play o act the fool, to fool o clown around; (actuar con necedad) to make a fool of oneself
    hacerse el tonto to act dumb
    no te hagas la tonta, que sabes muy bien de lo que estoy hablando you know very well what I'm talking about so don't pretend you don't o so don't act dumb
    le gusta/gustaba más que a un tonto una tiza or un lápiz or un palo ( Esp fam); he is/was crazy o nuts about it ( colloq)
    ser como tonto para algo ( Chi fam); to be crazy o nuts about sth ( colloq)
    prize idiot, utter fool
    village idiot
    ( Chi fam) silly fool
    idealistic puppet o stooge
    * * *


    ◊ -ta adjetivo

    a) [SER] ( falto de inteligencia) stupid, dumb (colloq);

    ( ingenuo) silly
    b) [ESTAR] ( intratable) difficult, silly;

    ( disgustado) upset
    2excusa/error/historia silly
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino ( falto de inteligencia) idiot, dummy (colloq);
    ( ingenuo) idiot, fool;
    hacer el tonto ( hacer payasadas) to play o act the fool;

    ( actuar con necedad) to make a fool of oneself;
    hacerse el tonto to act dumb

    I adjetivo silly, familiar dumb: ¿cómo pude ser tan tonto?, how could I be so stupid?
    fue lo bastante tonto como para decirle la verdad, he was foolish enough to tell him the truth
    una observación tonta, a trivial remark
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino fool, idiot, familiar dummy
    hacer el tonto, to play the fool
    hacerse el tonto, to play dumb
    tonto de remate, prize idiot

    ' tonto' also found in these entries:
    - bobalicona
    - boluda
    - boludo
    - burrada
    - capirote
    - definitivamente
    - fatua
    - fatuo
    - hacer
    - hombre
    - manteca
    - pelo
    - perdida
    - perdido
    - remate
    - simple
    - tarugo
    - todavía
    - tonta
    - tratar
    - asno
    - baboso
    - gana
    - ganso
    - huevón
    - idiota
    - imbécil
    - lelo
    - lerdo
    - mongólico
    - necio
    - pavo
    - pendejo
    - salame
    - soquete
    - tontear
    - tontería
    - zanahoria
    - asinine
    - clot
    - clown around
    - dim
    - do
    - dozy
    - dumb
    - fool
    - goof
    - help
    - idiotic
    - lark about
    - lark around
    - mess about
    - mess around
    - muck about
    - muck around
    - need
    - play
    - prize
    - silly
    - soft-headed
    - such
    - thing
    - daft
    - foolish
    - kind
    - know
    - stupid
    - that
    * * *
    tonto, -a
    1. [persona] [estúpido] stupid;
    [menos fuerte] silly;
    pero ¿seré tonto? otra vez me he vuelto a confundir I must be stupid or something, I've gone and got it wrong again;
    nos toman por tontos they think we're idiots;
    ¿estás tonto? ¿para qué me pegas? don't be stupid! what are you hitting me for?;
    no seas tonto, no hay por qué preocuparse don't be silly, there's no need to worry;
    ser tonto de capirote o [m5] remate to be Br daft as a brush o US crazy as a loon;
    ser más tonto que Abundio to be as thick as two short planks
    2. [retrasado mental] dim, backward
    ponerse tonto [pesado, insistente] to be difficult;
    [arrogante] to get awkward, Br to get stroppy
    4. [sin sentido] [risa] mindless;
    [esfuerzo] pointless;
    fue una caída tonta it was so silly, falling over like that;
    a lo tonto: lo perdí a lo tonto I stupidly lost it;
    me tropecé a lo tonto I tripped over like an idiot;
    me he ido haciendo con una extensa colección de sellos a lo tonto I've built up a sizeable stamp collection without hardly realizing it
    los listos y los tontos de la clase the bright ones and the dim ones in the class;
    el tonto del pueblo the village idiot;
    hacer el tonto [juguetear] to mess around;
    [no actuar con inteligencia] to be stupid o foolish;
    estoy haciendo el tonto intentando convencerle I'm wasting my time trying to convince him;
    hacerse el tonto to act innocent;
    a tontas y a locas without thinking
    tonto útil useful idiot
    * * *
    I adj silly, foolish
    II m, tonta f fool, idiot;
    haba fam complete idiot;
    tonto del pueblo village idiot;
    hacer el tonto play the fool;
    hacerse el tonto act dumb fam ;
    a tontas y a locas in a slapdash way
    * * *
    tonto, -ta adj
    1) : dumb, stupid
    2) : silly
    a tontas y a locas : without thinking, haphazardly
    tonto, -ta n
    : fool, idiot
    * * *
    tonto1 adj silly [comp. sillier; superl. silliest] / stupid [comp. stupider; superl. stupidest]
    ¡qué fallo más tonto! what a stupid mistake!
    tonto2 n fool / idiot

    Spanish-English dictionary > tonto

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